This digital space provides us with a way to remain connected through prayer, even while you are feeling uncertain about COVID-19 and coming in to pray in person.
Remember, while fear and panic swirl around us, prayer keeps us connected to our calm center in Christ. Through the grace and mercy of God, we have access to healing power beyond anything we can expect or imagine. We’ll need lots of prayer in the days ahead, in order that we might retain the strength of community, anchor ourselves in peace, and turn toward the Holy One, who desires health and salvation for all of us.
We are open and join together in the sanctuary for prayer and gathering. If you still feel uncomfortable to gather for prayer in house please use the virtual spaces, on YouTube. On Sundays, even if you will not be praying through YouTube, I encourage you to contact the office; office@trinitylexington.org to have them send you the bulletin and pray along with us at 10am, or at another time of your own choosing.
Please visit this site periodically for more resources to support and sustain your emotional and spiritual health.
May you know the unshakable presence of God’s peace.
Resources for the Season After Pentecost:
The Rev. Canon Lydia Kelsey Bucklin of the Episcopal Diocese of Northern Michigan has curated a set of prayers for the season. Download the Faith at Home resource here.
Additional Prayer Resources:
If you don’t have a copy of the Book of Common Prayer at home, you can access a pdf here.
Create a prayer space in your home. Sharon Ely Pearson offers ideas for making a home altar here. The Rev. Nurya Love Parish offers examples of home altars here.
The Rev. Michael Kurth wrote a powerful Litany Amidst the COVID-19 Outbreak, published by Earth & Altar Magazine.
The Rev. Callie Swanlund is the creative genius behind How2Charist, a free Digital Instructed Eucharist resource.
Additional Formation Resources:
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry shares weekly video meditations, Habits of Grace.
Faith@Home provides daily devotionals for families. The devotions consist of scripture, a video, a piece of music, an activity, and a prayer. Faith@Home also offers a shorter weekly devotion based on the Sunday readings from scripture.
Grow Christians shares ideas about how to practice faith at home.
The Eternal Current Podcast: Practices for Pandemic is available through Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Stitcher. This podcast offers meditations and practices to sustain our weary spirits.
Illustrated Ministry offers free coloring pages for anxious times.
Daneen Akers reads portions of her children’s book, Holy Troublemakers and Unconventional Saints on YouTube.
The authors of Common Prayer for Children and Families have established a YouTube channel called Praying with Children.
Living Well offers a free chapter on prayer.